النص المطلوب ترجمته: الإنكليزية العربية

A headache is such a common complaint that we seldom go to a doctor about it, unless it keeps recurring or continues for several days at a time. Occasional headaches mostly cure themselves, with the help, possibly, of a couple of aspirins. Certain types of headaches, however, do need further investigations. You would not neglect pain in other parts of the body so don’t go on putting up with a headache that keeps coming back, and don’t imagine that an aspirin bottle is the real answer. It is not. There is a cause for the pain. It should be found and treated.
Headaches, especially those towards the back of the head, can be caused by eyestrain and one of the first things to check is the eyesight. Hypermetropia (long sightedness) and astigmatism are the defects most likely to cause headaches. Sinusitis is another common cause of pains in the head.





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التهاب الجيوب الأنفيّة

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